Zhedong Xiaojiuzhai 浙东小九寨is one of five A3 level scenic spots in Ningbo, Yuyao. Zhedong Xiaojiuzhai is located in Yuyao 余姚 Dayin town大隐镇, Zhilin village芝林村. Drive from Ningbo city center to Zhedong Xiaojiuzhai takes around half an hour. There is a well-marked trail in the area. Most of the main road is paved and comfortable to walk on. Hiking trail leads along the river, and you can walk both sides. Sometimes these two pats overlap, but most of time there are two separate roads.

It was pretty good as there was no need to hike same path till the end and back, at least could change the route a little bit.

Zhedong Xiaojiuzhai, Ningbo, outdoors, hiking

Zhedongjiuzhai is a very similar scenic area to many others in Ningbo surroundings. However, this place is one of those I love to come back. Location is quite convenient, nature is truly beautiful there and you get a feeling that you are far away from the city. This isn’t an attraction for the whole day; I started my hike at around 9:30am and finished around 11:30am. If you plan to spend more time than just hiking the scenic spot, you can visit Zhilin village 芝林村which is nearby, and have a walk around the area. It is a peaceful and quite place.

Seeking an adventure

In fact the first time I visited this sight, we didn’t even follow the tourist trail, but started hiking mountains in a random place and that turned out to be a four to five hour walk in the mountainous bamboo forest. It was very spontaneous and we didn’t choose a specific trail. We sought for an adventure and spent all day walking outside, yet we almost got lost. At the end we somehow ended up on the tourist route. There was a security guard in the middle of the path and asked to show tickets which we obviously didn’t have, so we had to pay him “entrance fee”. Apparently we were not the first adventure seekers and sneaking without a ticket was quite common there.

Zhedong Xiaojiuzhai

What should I prepare before this trip?

Besides bottle of water, there is no need to bring anything else. Trail is not very long, and there are also locals selling food at the beginning of the scenic area. Comfortable shoes are always must, but I have seen many Chinese women dressing up and wearing even high heels. I saw there also a family with baby carriage. Some parts of the trail would be quite uncomfortable to push the carriage, but some parts on the other hand, are completely suitable.

Zhedong Xiaojiuzhai

Zhedong Xiaojiuzhai

You can see many of these Chinese style pergolas on the way

Zhedong Xiaojiuzhai

How to get to Zhedong Xiaojiuzhai?

If you choose to go by public transport you can go by Yuyao bus No.611 towards the Lubu陆埠 and get off at Zhilin Caichang芝林菜场.

Scenic spot is open from 8am till 5:30pm. Entrance fee is 50RMB per person.

Zhedong Xiaojiuzhai

Zhedong Xiaojiuzhai

Buddhist temple in the middle of the trail 

Zhedong Xiaojiuzhai


By | 2018-03-30T02:32:48+00:00 March 6th, 2018|Categories: Hiking in China, Ningbo attractions|0 Comments

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